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What is a Property Chain and How Can You Avoid Them?

Moving Home Mortgage Advice in Leeds

Property chains can be a common hurdle for homebuyers going through the process. The moving home journey can be interrupted if you are in a property chain as some factors can stall the process.

Having said that, you may encounter a range of problems and hurdles when obtaining a mortgage. It could be that your application is stuck in the pipeline or there might be an issue with your offer not being accepted, it’s possible that you can encounter issues when going through the journey of moving home in Leeds.

What is a property chain?

A property chain involves a group of sellers that are connected so will be relying on each other for each purchase to go through. In the case where you are a first time buyer in Leeds, you will always be at the beginning of the chain, unlike a seller who would be placed at the end.

For example, a person is ready to move into a property they’re buying. From this, the buyer needs to wait for the seller to move out first. Then if that seller is in the same situation, they will also be waiting for them to move out to move in.

How long will the process take in a property chain?

This all comes down to the seller’s situation which you will be unaware of.

Sometimes, you may not even know that you are in a property chain, and the full process could run smoothly. This is the ideal situation for everyone because it makes the moving home process go smoothly and straightforward.

On the flip side, if things don’t run as well, this can involve waiting. This is why our team recommend you start your process with at least six months of preparation. Within this time, you can look for that perfect home and provide some time if you get stuck in a property chain.

What happens if my property chain breaks?

The full chain could suffer if you are linked with a property chain and one purchase does not go through. Therefore, if this chain breaks, you will either have to wait or look for another property.

In the case where the property chain breaks at your purchase, there can be a way to stop it from damaging the overall chain if you act fast.

An option for sellers could be to contact the people planning to buy your property by speaking to your estate agent. By doing this, you can inform them of the situation sooner rather than later.

It’s best to prepare for a break in the property chain regardless if you are on a seller’s level or your level.

You could buy a property that isn’t in a chain or a small chain, sell your property, rent temporarily, buy a new-build property etc.

How can a property chain break?

There could be a number of reasons why a property chain can break. This could happen at your’s, your seller’s or even your buyer’s level:

Above is just a small number of examples, there are many more reasons. As mentioned, the length of the property chain you are in will depend on how these situations impact your ability to move home.

How can I avoid a property chain?

Avoiding a property chain can be difficult, especially if you are buying at a busy time of year or when the market is hot.

Furthermore, you could research and speak to your estate agent to get an idea of your position in the midst of the application stage. It is best that you organise your finances as early in the process as possible. Being prepared for things that could go wrong, the better.

In the case where you avoid a property chain (also known as ‘chain-free), the moving process will more likely be straightforward. This is obviously factoring in that you provide evidence that you can afford a mortgage and deposit the property.

Are you thinking of moving home to Leeds?

Our moving home Mortgage Advisors in Leeds can help you through the process if you are looking to buy and sell your property.

If you are looking for help with the moving home process, book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment.

Hurdles Obtaining a Mortgage in Leeds

Specialist Mortgage Advice in Leeds

With the right help and guidance, your mortgage process should go smoothly. In some cases, it’s not always guaranteed to go so well. Speaking to customers some applicants had face various hurdles along there mortgage journey. As a Mortgage Broker in Leeds, below we listed some of the most frequent mortgage hurdles that we came across in the past.

Child Care Costs

You shouldn’t be declined a mortgage because of childcare costs. But depending on the amount, having child care costs can sometimes be a large outgoing and having these costs, may reduce the mortgage amount you can borrow.

Most lender class childcare costs as a loan or a credit commitment. Which means even if you didn’t have these costs, having children in general means you will have large outgoings going out each month.

Because of this, you are likely to borrow less than a mortgage applicant with the same income, that doesn’t have any kids of their own. There are some mortgage lenders out there who will take child care costs into account, which can increase this amount, though this isn’t always guaranteed.

Mortgages following Divorce/Separation

Nobody ever buys a home with a partner, only to result in divorce or separation. It’s does happen, and leaves the family finances in need of a drastic reorganisation. Some of the most frequently asked questions we receive include:

  1. How do I remove my ex’s name from my mortgage?
  2. Can I remove my name from my ex’s mortgage?
  3. Cam I have two mortgages?

All of the above can be done, though this will depend on a case by case basis. You will need to seek out expert mortgage advice and speak to a experienced Mortgage Advisor in Leeds. In some cases, if you rece any child maintenance, this can sometimes be used as assessable income for a future mortgage.

Starting a New Job – Can I get a Mortgage?

It all depends on the mortgage lender, some lenders will require you to have been in work continuously for a certain period of time, whereas there are others with different criteria.

You will also find that it is entirely possible to get a mortgage. If you are soon going to start a new career. A signed contract and written job offer communication will often be a good way of helping you achieve this.

There could potentially be some hurdles if you have had any gaps in employment, as some lenders will flag that up. In other cases any probationary periods should be okay.

Evidencing Your Deposit

Anti-Money Laundering precautions are very strict. All Lenders will require evidence of your deposit, and you will need to prove the origins of your savings. You may also be asked for this by an estate agent or solicitors, depending on who you go with.

Cash deposits are not ideal at all. Any red flags in your bank statement will be heavily questioned and it is entirely possible your mortgage application will be rejected.

You may be able to utilise a gifted deposit, with some of or all of the deposit being gifted by a family member or friend. That person needs to confirm in writing that it is not intended to be paid back as a loan, becasue as the name suggests it’s a gift.

Speak to an Experienced Mortgage Advisor in Leeds

If you’re facing hardships as a first time buyer in Leeds, stressed because of moving home in Leeds, book your free mortgage appointment to speak with one of our expert Mortgage Advisors in Leeds.

Even if we haven’t listed a situation your in, it’s possible we’ve helped another customer in a similar situation. Let our trusted expert Mortgage Advisor in Leeds help you with your mortgage application.

How Much Can I Borrow for a Mortgage in Leeds?

How Much Can I Borrow For A Mortgage | MoneymanTV

Mortgage Advice in Leeds

If you are wanting to know the maximum amount you can borrow for a mortgage, you can book yourself a free mortgage appointment to speak with one of our expert Mortgage Advisors in Leeds.

From our experience, the two most popular questions we find that first time buyers in Leeds in and home movers in Leeds ask us are; can I get a mortgage in my situation and if so how much can I borrow?

Here we will take a closer look at the latter of the two, which has changed a lot in the past decade, followed by what happens now during your mortgage process.

Historic Rules

Looking back to the 90s, before credit scoring was a thing, people would manually underwrite all mortgage applications, which means that the process of approving mortgages got left to real people and not just computers. 

You would book an appointment for an interview with your local building society to speak to the building society manager. From there, you would present and discuss your case. 

Back then, you could probably guarantee that this would turn into a sales pitch, where they would assist you to start saving with them for a while until you can prove to them that you are creditworthy. 

The manager would then grant you what a past equivalent of today’s Agreement in Principle was. Following this, the customer would then be given some advice on the amount they could borrow.

While sounding like a highly personalised process with a simple and common-sense approach, there were many wrong decisions. The manager had the discretion to interpret the lending manual in the way that they wanted to. 

In other words, you could have gone to the same building society in a different location and left, having obtained an entirely different outcome than the previous branch you visited.

To prevent this and to cut any costs that weren’t necessary, lenders started using automated affordability, so when lending to customers, only provide them with a figure three or even four times their annual income.

Mid 2000s Approach

Going forward to the early 2000s, lenders relaxed, even more, becoming arguably even too generous in how much they would be willing to lend their customers. 

Some lenders would offer out self-certified mortgages, a process that meant no background checks would take place, and the customer could self-certify their income, even if the buyer falsely inflated the amount they were declaring.

The market fell apart, and these kinds of practices brought about the infamous Credit Crunch of 2008. The years that followed, between then and 2010, were incredibly challenging times. 

This was especially the case if you were trying to get onto the property ladder for the first time. At this point, lenders had to change, and much stricter lending criteria had to be put in place.

Nowadays Approach

Through lots of dedication and perseverance, the market recovered. In 2014 the regulator launched the Mortgage Market Review (MMR), a brand new and completely revised set of guidelines for lenders to follow to prevent the Credit Crunch from happening again.

No longer were the old-style income multipliers available, which took little account of household spending habits.

It may come as quite a surprise, but before 2014, whether their credit histories were good or bad, two applicants earning the same income could more or less be able to borrow the same as each other. 

This was also not factoring in how much they were regularly spending. All-new affordability models came from that point, taking a much more forensic view of how exactly those applying for a mortgage handle their finances.

Deeper Analysis

As well as this new cap, typically, most mortgage lenders will no longer go past 4.75 times your annual income, and they prefer to have an in-depth analysis of your spending habits. 

Your habits may entirely depend on your situation, such as having high childcare costs, a potentially large amount of credit commitments, and in some cases, any student loans to pay off. In cases like these, a mortgage lender will most probably offer you less than, say, your work colleague who has far fewer outgoings.

Nowadays, there are significant differences between lenders in how much or little they will lend to some customers. From time to time, some lenders have been known to penalise low-earners. 

It could just be that they are not looking for that type of applicant. Some take pension contributions as a fixed outgoing, so may lend, for example, a public sector worker with a significant pension deduction, less than a private-sector worker.

Each of these different lenders has its unique lending criteria, and each customer has its own situation. Suppose you need to maximise your borrowing capacity to have a chance at buying your dream home. 

How can a Mortgage Advisor in Leeds help?

You will highly benefit from expert Mortgage Advice in Leeds. Our team will search the market on your behalf to try and match you to various lenders criteria.

If you want to know exactly how much you should borrow for a mortgage and are ready to go, please get in touch and book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment to speak with one of our Mortgage Advisors in Leeds today. We will talk to you and work out your finances with you to ensure you are comfortable with the maximum amount you can borrow and what your monthly payments will be.

Mortgage Advice for Divorce & Separation in Leeds

Specialist Mortgage Advice in Leeds

It can be a very difficult time when you have to close the door to a relationship. Moving on, trying to arrange finances and finding where you’re going to live can be very stressful. Your financial commitments to one another must be attended to first. This may not go as smoothly as you would hope and you may encounter some bumps along the way.

Our job is to help you through the financial hardship that you and your ex-partner are facing, in particular, the mortgage side of things. We have a history of helping applicants in this situation and experience helping customers in other specialist situations such as debt consolidation, equity release and buy to let investments.

As a Mortgage Broker in Leeds, we are often able to help applicants going through a divorce or separation. Here are the most common questions asked by customers when it comes to Divorce & Separation Mortgage Advice in Leeds:

How do I remove my ex-partner from my mortgage in Leeds?

If there are children involved in this situation, it is usually the mother who stays inside of the property; this isn’t always the case though. Regardless of gender, it will be the same process for you if you want to remove your ex’s name from the mortgage.

Once you have decided that you are going to be the applicant to remain living inside the property, you will need to try and remove your ex-partner’s name from the mortgage. This is where you and your ex-partner will need to prove that they’re financially stable with their sole income alone. This can be demonstrated in different ways; measuring affordability, costs of living, and eligibility.

If you manage to remove their name from the mortgage and you have demonstrated that you are able to meet your repayments without your ex’s contribution, if by any chance you fail to meet a payment, they can chase your ex for the money. This is because, at the time of taking out the mortgage, you were registered as a second applicant so they can legally still ask for the money from you.

If you cannot demonstrate that you are able to afford your mortgage repayments on your own, then you may need to ask a family member to help out, or in some cases, an applicant will already have another person ready to move in.

It also makes no difference if you and your ex-partner create a verbal agreement that one party will not contribute towards any payments. Until you have successfully removed the name from the mortgage, that party will still remain liable for any payments, should the balance fall into arrears.

How do I remove my name mortgage in Leeds?

The process works exactly the same, however, you are trying to move out of the property and take your name off the mortgage. A recurring problem here is that the applicant remaining inside of the property could refuse to have your name taken from the mortgage. This could mean that you are still liable for any outstanding repayments that are not met by your ex-partner.

We deal with customers in both scenarios in Leeds, and most of the time it can be a complex and difficult situation, as it’s not that easy to remove a name from a mortgage. It also means trying to get a mortgage of your own as a sole name applicant or trying to get a mortgage still linked to another one. Even though you may not be paying anything towards the repayments, it doesn’t mean that you are not responsible.

Can I have two mortgages?

If your name is still on your ex-partner’s mortgage, you may be asking the question “can I get two mortgages”. The simple answer is yes, however, it is down to your current financial and personal situation.

If you are still financially linked with your partner, your Mortgage Broker in Leeds or lender will assess this situation and be able to determine whether you can afford to be linked with two sets of repayments. Lenders always check ongoing financial commitments, which can include the mortgage payment you currently hold with your ex and any additional commitments you have, such as car payments, phone bills and more.

Book a Free Mortgage Appointment

Our Mortgage Advisors in Leeds will try their best to help you in your situation. We know that not every scenario is the same, therefore, we will make sure that we are fully aware of the full picture before continuing.

Don’t be ashamed of getting Specialist Mortgage Advice in Leeds, we can work out how much you are able to borrow by checking your affordability and then take a look at some potential deals that could be perfect for you. If we work out your budget, you will be able to get an idea of where you stand.

Moving on from previous joint financial commitments can be difficult, and that is why we want to take the stress away and offer a helping hand. Remember that as far as lenders are concerned, it’s all about the risk. They would prefer to avoid repossession situations at all costs.

Mortgage Advice in Leeds for Newly Qualified Teachers

Newly Qualified Teacher Mortgage Advice in Leeds

If you have reached your goal of completing all the required exams to become a Newly Qualified Teacher, you are probably looking at the next step. With all your new skills and qualification, you will be looking at finding yourself a teaching position.

You may find a teaching position that is based in an area that is too far to commute which could mean you looking at option available for you with Moving House in Leeds.

With this in mind, you may be looking at finding yourself a place to live. Due to keeping the balance between homeownership and settling into your new role, you may find this an exciting yet stressful time.

Throughout our time as a Mortgage Broker in Leeds, this situation has happened to numerous home buyers and homeowners who were wanting the process to be stress free and smooth while they focus on their new career.

Newly Qualified Teacher Mortgages

As a Newly Qualified Teacher, it can be a challenge to look for a mortgage lender who will be happy to offer a mortgage to an individual who is a newly qualified teacher.

This could be for a number of reasons, one being a lack of or no work history to show or because they only have a temporary contract.

Despite these being an issue, there are numerous options for Newly Qualified Teachers who are looking to get a mortgage. Here at Leedsmoneyman, our knowledgeable team of Mortgage Advisors have helped a lot of NQTs on their journey of obtaining a mortgage with a Mortgage Broker in Leeds by their side.

On your mortgage journey as a Newly Qualified Teacher, it can be common to find that there are a small number of lenders who have deals suited to public sector workers like teachers.

In order for everything to run as smoothly as it can, it’s important that you choose the best mortgage lender for your circumstance. This part of the process can be the most difficult out of the full mortgage journey.

This is where a mortgage advice team in Leeds can help by searching through thousands of mortgage deals for you in order to get the most suitable deal for your circumstances.

What mortgages for NQTs may be available?

Even though mortgages can be complex for New Qualified Teachers, there are still options out there available to you on the mortgage market.

Below are the types of mortgages that we find regularly come up when we are dealing with cases involving Newly Qualified Teachers.

When it comes to NQT mortgages, there are more other factors lenders might consider. In some cases, depending on the lender, they might not ask you to evidence previous employment and may let you get up to a 95% LTV (loan to value).

Some mortgage lenders may treat a 12-month first contract the same as a permanent job role, instead of seeing it as a temporary contract.

A small majority of mortgage lenders around the country could get you on your mortgage prior to beginning your job. This does mean you have to show them a signed contract and a confirmation of your start date.

This can be helpful for you, especially if you are preparing to start making your first mortgage payments at the same time as your first month’s wages from your new job is due, around the time your mortgage has completed.

How a Mortgage Advisor in Leeds may Help

At Leedsmoneyman, we have a team of knowledgeable mortgage advice experts in Leeds all with a vast amount of knowledge and experience in helping customers in the world of mortgages and the property markets, helping numerous first time home buyers with their mortgage needs.

Having a dedicated Mortgage Broker in Leeds by your side in the mortgage process can have many benefits. Our goal is to take the stress away and provide a tailored service through searching thousands of mortgage deals to find the one that is fitting for your situation. We also can recommend possible conveyancing solicitors for you to use and more.

If you are wondering what options are out there for you as a first time home buyer, book online for a free mortgage appointment with one of our expert mortgage advisors in Leeds. In this appointment, your dedicated advisor will ask you about your situation and help you with the next part of your journey.

Buying a Property With a Partner or Friend(s) in Leeds?

Purchasing with Friends / Partner

When you’re a first time buyer in Leeds and you’re struggling to get onto the property ladder by yourself, the best and most practical solution can be to move in with a partner or friend. There are many benefits to doing this, for example, you would be able to make up your deposit faster, your application will look stronger with two sets of incomes and your mortgage payments will be equally split.

There are also downsides to taking a mortgage with friends or a partner, as you’re now financially linked with the person(s) that you take one out with. If one of your friends or your partner has adverse credit, a CCJ/default in their name or something that reflects badly on their finances, it could also affect you.

How many people can jointly own a property?

Up to four people are able to co-own a property. Joint owners have the legal right to stay in their home unless a court rules otherwise.

All homeowners will have to give consent before a party can sell or take out extra borrowing against the property.

Joint tenancy or tenancy in common – what’s the difference?

Joint tenancies are typically taken out by civil partnerships or married couples. If one party passes away, the property rights and ownership is transferred to the other owner. Joint tenants are seen as one owner, which means that you cannot sell the property or remortgage without an agreement from other parties.

Tenants in common are popular amongst relatives or friends who are buying together. Each party will have ownership over the property, however, they may not have equal shares. You can freely sell or give away a share of the property if you want, without an agreement from other parties. Some lenders may even let you take out a mortgage on your share, although, finding one that allows this may be difficult.

Joint Mortgages & Removing Names

What happens if you have a joint mortgage, but the other parties stop paying their share of mortgage payments?

Unfortunately, since you are jointly reliable for the mortgage and meeting the payments, if one party stops paying their share or misses a payment, the other parties will have to make up for the shortfall.

When you take out a mortgage, you will be expected to keep up to date with your payments. If a lender doesn’t think that you’re reliable, they won’t lend to you.

It can be more beneficial to speak to an expert and specialist mortgage advice in Leeds for help on this subject.

How do I remove my ex-partner’s or my name from a mortgage?

Removing your own or an ex-partner’s name from your mortgage can be difficult, it’s not as easy and approaching your mortgage lender and taking off the name. Removing financial links as a whole can be tricky, and it’s usually because one of the parties cannot afford to live on just one income or there are children involved.

When it comes to mortgages, even if there is an agreement that one of the parties will not contribute towards the mortgage payments, if their name is still listed on the mortgage, they’re still responsible for them. Furthermore, in the event of mortgage arrears, both parties are responsible.

If your ex-partner is the party keeping the mortgage, the lender has to be adamant that the remaining applicant can afford the payments, and vice versa, if you are the one with the mortgage, they need to know that you can afford the payments by yourself.

More often than not, in a situation like this, there is a family member or another partner ready to step in and help with the payments. As a mortgage broker in Leeds, we are here to help you through this difficult time and help you sort the mortgage side of the process.

Planning to Get a Mortgage in Leeds?

Getting Ahead of the Mortgage Game

Taking out a mortgage will be one of the most significant financial commitments that you will ever make. You will want to get your dream property for the best deal you can get. 

The good news is that you have the chance to plan ahead of other buyers to help improve your chances of getting your mortgage application accepted. – One of these examples will be having an Agreement in Principle before you start viewing properties.  

You may come across a point where it is unlikely to plan for a mortgage, for example, if you and your partner decide to split up. It’s unfortunate when this happens. However, if you are in this situation, you may need to move from a joint to a sole name mortgage.

We recommend that all new customers start planning their mortgage for up to six months before you begin moving home in Leeds.

Why Planning for a Mortgage is Important

Preparing your application for all possible situations will prove beneficial further down the line. If you encounter a problem, in theory, you should be able to figure out what to do to resolve it.

Utilising over 20 years of experience within the sector have allowed us to come across various mortgage problems. When it comes to the end of the mortgage process, some hurdles could crop up, and our Mortgage Advisors in Leeds may be able to rectify them if you prepare right.

Here are some general hurdles our customers frequently come across.

With up to six months of preparation and planning, you may be able to avoid some of these problems.


Saving up for a deposit can be tricky, especially if you’re stuck renting. It can take some First Time Buyer in Leeds several years worth of savings to save for a deposit.

Location varied; some might find it challenging to save up for a ‘5% deposit’ as you don’t know the exact amount you need until you find a property you like. Each 5% total will vary from property to property.

Customers who struggle to meet that initial deposit total will often get help from their parents through a gifted deposit. A gifted deposit is an extra cash boost given to a homebuyer to help buy a property and can equate to some, or all, of their deposit. 

Gifted deposits were given with the understanding that the money doesn’t need repaying.

Credit Score

Your credit score is fundamental when it comes to applying for a mortgage. Having a poor credit score can lower your chances of getting accepted for a mortgage. Of course, it depends on what is the cause for you having a low credit score. 

If it is because of a CCJ or bankruptcy, your chances of being accepted can be lowered further, depending on how long ago these issues occurred.

If you want to look at your credit score, we recommend using Check my File. Check my File allows you to get a copy of your credit report, from there on you can establish whether you have any credit issues that might be flagged up or prevent you from borrowing from a lender. Once you have this, feel free to send it to us, and we will take a look at it free of charge.

Bank Accounts

During the approach to your mortgage application, you need to think about how you conduct your finances. Lenders will be carefully analysing your bank statements and will see everything that’s going in and out of there. An example to look out for would be gambling transactions.

Lenders aren’t keen if they see frequent and erratic gambling transactions on your bank statements. They will see gambling with large sums of money unreliable and possibly decline your application.

If you’ve been lucky enough to receive a gifted deposit, we advise keeping that sum of money in the gifter’s account. 

Because your lender will see a large bank transfer into your account and ask questions, sometimes it’s better to leave the gifted deposit inside your family member’s or friend’s account.

Self Employed

Self employed applicants often have a hard time when it comes to getting a mortgage. Usually, this is because they are required to evidence more than a usual mortgage applicant.

You will have to submit at least one year of accounts’ and three months of bank statements to prove your income and affordability.

Depending on the lender, you may get asked to provide even more evidence if they are unsure of your affordability.

Other Mortgage Hurdles

In situations you can’t prepare for, know that a Mortgage Broker in Leeds like us is here to help. Each person could counter all different kinds of mortgage hurdles and it’s our job to guide you through the entire pricess.

People who have encountered all different types of specialists and complex situations often come to us for expert Mortgage Advice in Leeds. We offer a helping hand and back you up during the entire process you don’t have to go through this process alone!

Getting Prepared For a Mortgage Application in Leeds

First Time Buyer Mortgage Advice in Leeds

After saving for months/years, you are now at a point where you can put all your hard-earned savings down for a deposit on a flat/house. Now it’s time to get mortgage ready!

You might be a first time buyer in Leeds stepping into the mortgage world for the first time or you have experience in the home buying journey as a homeowner and are looking at moving home in Leeds. Either way, our tailored service would prove beneficial. Below is some helpful information that will help you have a grasp on what the mortgage process entails and provide you with information on what you need in order to be mortgage ready for your application.

Get mortgage ready in Leeds

Know Where You Stand

Firstly, getting Mortgage Advice in Leeds should be at the top of the list. Having an experienced Mortgage Advisor in Leeds by your side guiding you through the process, advising the best route for you in terms of your personal and financial circumstances can be very beneficial.

If you are looking at the amount you may be able to borrow for a mortgage and the amount it will cost, seeking Mortgage Advice in Leeds can help indicate this. Before your Mortgage Advisor in Leeds can begin the process of looking into competitive mortgage deals for you, affordability and a borrowing capacity assessment will need to be carried.

A Mortgage Broker in Leeds, like ourselves, can provide a helping hand throughout the process as well as support you in getting the basics prepared for your mortgage application. In order for your Mortgage Advisor in Leeds to understand your financial position from the very beginning, they will request an up-to-date credit report.

Getting Organised for Your Mortgage

At the start of your mortgage journey, you will need to obtain an agreement in principle. This should be your first priority because without it you won’t be able to make an offer on a property.

Here at Leedsmoneyman, we work hard to provide you with a fully credit-checked agreement in principle sorted for you in 24 hours to take some weight off your shoulders. We would need you to prove who are you are by providing the following:

It’s good to be organised as there is a lot of paperwork you will need to collate. Therefore, it’s best to create a file for yourself and start collecting this in advance.

Proof of ID

In order to start the mortgage process, you will need to provide some form of identification. This needs to be a photographic ID like a Driver’s License or a Passport.

Proof of Address

As well as the aspects mentioned above, you’ll need concrete evidence that you live at the address that you say you do. Evidence you’ll need could be a utility bill or original bank statement dated within the last three months.

Last Three Month’s Bank Statements

One of the most determining factors that can massively contribute towards whether you’ll qualify for a mortgage or not is your spending habits. Your bank statements are something your lenders like to take a look at because they can get an idea of what goes into your account and what goes out. This provides an insight into if you’ll be able to manage your monthly mortgage payments as well as your other expenditures.

One of the main things that lenders look for on your bank statements is gambling transactions. This factor can cause risk further down the line which is why lenders will look at if you do frequently gamble and will be cautious towards this. If you are constantly gambling, lenders won’t risk the chance. Another thing lenders will see as a drawback is if you are regularly going over your overdraft limit or if your direct debits bounce consistently.

Proof of the Deposit for Your Mortgage

For anti-money laundering purposes, you will need evidence that you have the funds in place for the deposit. It’s best that you try not to move the monies around your various accounts too much because it will make evidencing the audit trail more challenging. Your savings building up is something lenders like to see, therefore, you’ll need to account for any extensive credits in your accounts.

There has been a recent increase in the popularity of gifted deposits, we have seen that they contribute towards many people’s 5%. Usually, gifted deposits are generally from a family member or friend of the applicant. In order for these funds to be evidenced properly, the “donor” of the funds will need to sign a letter confirming and evidencing that this is a gift and not a loan.

Proof of Income

Proving your income is one of the most important things when it comes to affordability. Employed applicants usually will need to evidence this through the last three months’ payslips and most recent P60. Regular overtime, commission, shift allowance and bonuses is another thing lenders can factor in. Whereas self employed will need help from their accountant by requesting your tax year overview.

A list of Your Expected Outgoings

Looking into an estimated amount of your anticipated outgoings after you move house can always be helpful. Furthermore, you can work out an estimation of how much the council tax and utility bills will be. On top of this, you can work out regular expenditures like food and drink. Taking all these into account will show how much disposable income you have available to your mortgage.

When applying for a mortgage, it can be a challenge if you are doing everything on your own as things can become complicated. With a Mortgage Advisor in Leeds being there every step of the way can be very helpful. Impressing your lender by showing them you have done all you can within your power to get prepared for your mortgage application can be challenging. We can assist you with this by providing the best impress of you to your lender and we would have everything prepared for you within 24 hours of free mortgage consultation depending on your circumstance.

Top Tips on How to Sell Your Home Quickly in Leeds

Moving Home Advice in Leeds

First Impressions Count

The majority of home buyers will decide within seconds of arriving at the property they are viewing, whether or not they want to proceed with the purchase. This is especially the case if your viewer is an existing homeowner and needs to decide quickly, so they can move forward with the sale of their own property.

Your equity is the amount at which you sell for, minus your current mortgage balance. This will be used to contribute towards a security deposit for the next purchase that you make if you are moving home in Leeds. By utilising savings or a gifted deposit, you are able to top this up.

There is always a very specific minimum amount that the seller of a property is willing to accept for a sale to be agreed. Even still, when you list your home for sale, it is important to market and present your home in the best light possible. This can make a large difference in how quickly you’re able to sell it.

Be Reasonable

Your asking price should always reflect the standard of those in the local area. Be reasonable with the amount you’re looking to sell for, as some estate agents may just suggest the highest possible price without any credibility behind the suggestion.

Nowadays everyone has the ability to advertise on Zoopla and Rightmove, so we would definitely recommend that you make the dive into the market and get as many viewings as you possibly, primarily within the first two weeks of it being listed.

If interest in your property seems to below, it’s probably quite like that the property has been overvalued and the price needs to drop.

Before they look to put their current property on the market, many homeowners prefer to research and visit other properties to identify which one they might call home down the line. If you find yourself in that same or a similar position, here are some helpful tips for you to sell your home as quickly as possible.

Home Selling Tips for Homeowners in Leeds

Attention to Detail

First of all, this can be quite a strange one and quite difficult to do if you’ve spent a long time in there, but you need to look at your own house as if you were viewing it for the first time yourself. Make sure it looks great from the outside, as that’s the first thing people will see when driving or walking up to it.

Simple actions make a big difference, so ensuring you have a freshly jet-washed drive and neatly cut front lawn indicates that you have put a lot of time and effort into looking after your home. You need to aim for that feel-good factor, as this may help the viewer in their hopes that the inside will be just as good as the outside.

Do you have children?

If you have any kids, it is recommended that you tidy away any bikes or loose toys that have been left about in the front garden. Make sure your front door looks clean and well maintained, and that your doorbell (if you have one) works well. Spend a little bit of cash getting a nice new doormat or welcome sign to give it a nice, new home vibe.


Take a look around all of your rooms, paying close attention to rooms like kitchen or bathrooms. You should make sure that they are spotless and have a high level of hygiene. Cupboards and wardrobes should be tidied up, arranged neatly and free from unnecessary clutter.

You should absolutely ensure your home is pristine and clean; this is a very important step to remember! Wash your curtains & blinds, wipe down your walls and clean all your floors and windows. Any repairs that need work should be up-to-date and fixed, and you should put clean bedding out on the beds.

Clean all of your windows, making sure they’re nice and sparkling clean both inside and out. New carpets in smaller rooms can be a reasonably low-cost way of creating a welcoming impression, showing that the home has been well cared for.

If you are a smoker it’s always air the rooms out before the potential buyer arrives to view it. Ensure there are no bad smells lingering, as any pet smells or cigarette smells can put off a viewer from wanting to buy your property.


You will ideally want your viewer to feel as relaxed as possible whilst they look around your property, so try and avoid having pets or young children getting under their feet as they try to take it all in.

That being said, if you are selling a family home, leaving up a selection of nice family pictures and paintings can help as it will give them an image of what it may be like to raise a family in that home.

You will find that home buyers, especially those who are first time buyers in Leeds, will prefer to walk around the property on their own. If it’s a couple walking around, allow them some breathing space to discuss with each other, but also be on hand to answer their questions.

Always clean your bathroom, removing any items like cosmetics left out. You should coordinate your towels and flannels, maybe consider putting a small amount of money into making it look nice and appealing. Also make the floor space is spotless.


A well-lit house is always going to be more appealing to prospective buyers. This can be achieved through making sure lights are turned on to brighten up rooms if it’s darker outside or keeping all curtains and blinds open to let in natural daylight.

Plants can often block out light so place these strategically around your house.

Fresh Coat of Paint

White walls look clean and fresh, and also come with the added benefit for the buyer of being extremely to paint over when the time comes to decorate. It gives the viewer a blank canvas to work with. It will also help to avoid scraping previous wallpaper off the walls.

Give a fresh coat of paint to all interior doors. Polish the brass fixtures and ensure all doors are able to open and close nicely, with no broken locks or strike plates. Buyers will want to look at making the most of space, so it’s recommended that you store objects into cupboards and have clean and tidy worktops in the kitchen.


In terms of your garden the viewer may ask you if they can take a look inside your shed (if you have one), so it’s recommended that you don’t just throw everything in there. Once again, a running theme here, keep it neat and tidy.

Pay attention to your fences, make sure all the slats are in place, and that they are nicely painted or creosoted. Tidy up any visible items such as outdoor barbecues, removing any utensils left around.

People do still like to see a colourful garden so ensure its beautifully turned out. Flowering plants are lovely to see if the season is conducive. It is also recommended that you make your garage space more efficient, therefore providing more space for a vehicle.

Another Perspective

People buy from people, so it is recommended that you always take conduct the viewings yourself if you can. You will be able to accurately convey the emotions you feel about your home and can show it off in the best way you can, whilst still also pointing out any small issues that have cropped up and how you managed to fix them. Transparency goes a long way!

Estate Agents will always be wanting to earn their commission, but compared to you, who has potentially lived there for years, maybe even raised a family there, they will not know as much about the property. Your knowledge and experience of living in that property will lend well to a property viewing.

Last of all, always remember the emotions attached to buying a home. If you have a family, it really helps to put an emphasis on how much of a happy family home this has been for you. This will almost certainly rub off on the viewers if they are thinking of raising a family in that same home.

What are the 7 best places to live in Leeds?

The Best Areas to Live in Leeds

Have you thought about Moving Home in Leeds? Have you thought about which areas are the best places to live in Leeds?

To help you make a decision, we have made up a list of the best areas to live in Leeds.

1 – Bramhope

The village of Bramhope is located just nine miles north of Leeds City Centre. Bramhope’s luxurious homes, which feature multiple bedrooms, remarkable views and capacious plots, earn the village the title of the ‘priciest postcode in Leeds’. Access to top schools and a wide diversity of shopping centres add to the appeal of Bramhope. 

There is always something to do in Bramhope. For example, you could head out to The Golden Acre Park, which encompasses over 130 acres of beautiful gardens surrounding a large lake. What a great place to have an afternoon stroll or a picnic. Meanwhile, the nearby Holt Park Leisure Centre offers a vast selection of fitness classes, and for those who are more active, The Memorial Hall has tennis courts, a bowling green and a badminton court. 

The village hall hosts the farmers’ markets, an autumnal flower show, and various performances. Additionally, the farmers’ market at Memorial Hall provides residents with an array of fresh produce and hand-made crafts. Other businesses include dentists and physicians, banks, spas and cinemas. 

Throughout the village are several shops and amenities. The Shopping Parade on Breary Lane features a beauty salon, a pharmacy, a flower shop and a gift shop. The Tredgold Avenue shopping centre is home to some fascinating shops too!

No wonder this place comes with a heavy price tag, it’s the perfect place for first time buyers in Leeds!

2 – Chapel Allerton

This village-like suburb of Leeds is a historical, diverse and overall great place to live. Chapel Allerton is a popular suburb that is home to all different types of people. You’ll come across families, young people and even the older generation – there is something for everyone. 

If you’re up for a night out, you’re in luck; there are plenty of choices of bars and restaurants in Chapel Allerton. If you enjoy the quieter side of life, you’ll still love Chapel Allerton; away from the nightlife, you’ll find that there are always community events going on. Whether an art and cultural event is taking place or there is a family, food and live music day going on in the local market, you’ll fit right in no matter what you enjoy. 

Chapel Allerton is often described as a chirpy location. There always seems to be something going on in this suburban village. We love it! 

3 – Guiseley

Guiseley is an excellent place for families, with an abundance of schools and outdoor space. The village has lots of places to eat and drink and home to the famous Guiseley AFC team. 

The bustling town of Guiseley has vast leisure and retail by beautiful countryside, and young families are now choosing the area thanks to its abundance of amenities proximity to Leeds city centre and open country.  

Plenty of transportation to choose its railway station offers a 15-minute train journey into Leeds city centre, and bus links. You can always take the railway station, it has regular services into Leeds, and Bradford International Airport is just a 10-minute drive away.

4 – Headingley

This busy, lively suburb is a great place to live if you are looking for reasonable housing prices. Headingley has attracted First Time Buyers in Leeds and students due to its affordability and closeness to restaurants, bars and having easy access to the city. Described as a laid-back place to live by the locals, Headingley will be ideal for you if are itching to get a part of the city life, yet not experience it every single day. 

Yorkshire County Cricket Club’s home ground Headingley Stadium is located at the heart of the suburb. However, this is not it for all of your sports fans out there, Headingley is also home to Leeds Rhinos Rugby League Club and Yorkshire Carnegie Rugby Union Football Club. 

The Arndale Centre, one of Leeds shopping locations, is also right in the middle of Headingley. The suburb doesn’t just attract sporting fans, it also attracts shopaholics! 

If the cool, suburban lifestyle of Headingley sounds like something you could be interested in, you should get in touch with a Mortgage Broker in Leeds like ourselves. We will help you through the whole Moving Home process in Leeds.

5 – Leeds Waterfront

Once upon a time, Leeds Waterfront was a derelict area, lacking vibrancy and life. After being regenerated, the Leeds Waterside area is now a popular place for people to visit. You’ll find it a great place to go for a walk, take part in canoeing, go fishing, spend time with your family, go shopping or learn about history in the museums. The local cuisine is a diverse range too, with options including hot drinks and snacks, pizza establishments, sweet treat huts and places to find seafood. 

The possibilities are seemingly endless as there will be at least something there that could appeal to everyone. Even more appealing though, is the housing opportunities. There are a variety of houses and flats around the area, with some incredible views of the waterfront. 

If modern waterside living is for you, with plenty to do nearby in and around the city centre, Leeds Waterfront might be an ideal place to live.

6 – Otley

Otley is a large, thriving market town located on the edge of Leeds. The town is only just 10 miles from the city centre, meaning that you can easily access the city through many different modes of transport such as train, bus and taxi. 

Otley is like most market towns on the outskirts of big cities, it comes with wonderful countryside and lakeside walks, camping sites, local shops and amenities, and plenty of pubs. The social aspect of life is very important to the people of Otley, every year they host the famous Otley run which is a 16-venue pub crawl! The students and people from all over go to Otley just take part. 

If you aren’t as keen on busy, social events, there are still plenty of things to do. The outdoor life in Otley features fields full of greenery, wildlife walks and bike tracks. There is also a lot of family-friendly activities to get yourself involved in, some of the local’s favourites include Tittybottle Park and Gallows Nature Reserve. 

If you are thinking of Moving Home in Leeds and feel like Otley could be the perfect place for your new home, then make sure to get in touch with a Mortgage Broker in Leeds like us who can run through the home buying process with you.

7 – Pudsey

Pudsey is a popular market town found in-between Bradford and Leeds City Centre’s. It has been famous throughout history for its manufacturing of wool in the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as being the location where notable iconic Cricket players learned to play the sport. 

When visiting Pudsey, you’ll be able to explore the recreational parks in the area. The largest of these is Pudsey Park, which includes a children’s playground, a skate park, a bowling green and a café, popular with the locals. You’ll also find Queens Park, where the Pudsey Carnival is held once every year. 

There are three secondary schools within or around the Pudsey area, providing a great opportunity for education into your children’s teen years. You may also find yourself able to take part in the local Pudsey Loyalty Scheme, wherein various local stores take part to offer stamps to customers, which puts the customer into a monthly draw to win shopping vouchers. 

West Yorkshire is well known for its diverse communities and Pudsey is no exception, being home to Indian Sikh, Hindu and Muslim communities. There’s also a Masonic community with Lodges that meet at the Pudsey Masonic Hall to support local community activities. 

A fun piece of trivia regarding the area too, as no doubt you’ve noticed Pudsey shares its name with the famous charity bear for Children in Need. This is because the Pudsey logo designer Joanna Lane’s grandfather was mayor of the town. 

If you’re looking for a location that looks great, has a rich history in manufacturing and sport, and has a diverse and friendly local community, Pudsey could be a great place for you to call home.

First Time Buyer Mortgage Advice in Leeds

We hope that our list helped point you in the right direction and summarised some of the best areas to live in Leeds.

If you are thinking of Moving Home in Leeds and want some help with getting the process started, feel free to get in touch with us. A Mortgage Broker in Leeds like us can guide you through the whole process, holding your hand during every step of the way.

Leedsmoneyman is a Mortgage Broker in Leeds that has been helping people Move Home for over 20 years now. We want to help you Move Home and secure a great mortgage deal next! & Leedsmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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